Actress Neetu Chandra has hit the jackpot, and how! After debuting in Yaavarum Nalam opposite Madhavan, she wowed Kollywood audiences with her performance as the haughty and spoilt brat Tejaswini in Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai. And then, she went on to do a cameo song with director Ameer in Mysskin’s forthcoming Yuddham Sei. And now, the latest is that she has bagged the female lead in Venkat Prabhu’s film with Ajith and Nagarjuna, titled Mangaatha.
Talking to CT, Neetu says, “I got a call from Venkat Prabhu’s office a month ago and they spoke to my manager about casting me in a film opposite Ajith. I was quite excited about the offer and decided to go ahead. I later spoke to Venkat Prabhu as well. He said I’ll be playing the main female lead in the film. I think the shooting will begin in August.”
Neetu is super excited about being a part of a film that has her favourite south Indian stars and director. “I’ve heard about Venkat’s style of direction. He’s made films in different genres in a short span of time and all his movies are hilarious. He’s a great brand in Kollywood. Who would say no to working with him?” she smiles.
Mangaatha happens to be Ajith 50th film and Neetu says she’s quite lucky to land this offer. “I know Ajith has a huge fan following in south. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I hope our pairing clicks well,” she says.
Interestingly, Neetu was supposed to play Nagarjuna’s heroine in a Telugu film, which didn’t take off. “I admire Nagarjuna for his talent. But somehow, I couldn’t do that Telugu film with him. Now, I’m glad that I get to work with both Ajith and Nagarjuna in the same film,” she gushes.
Source: Times of India and Maalimalar 16-July-2010